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Password Reset Request Form

Enter your username to generate a password reset code for your account. You will receive an email from Account-Security@TutorAIRS.com containing the reset code and instructions. The reset code is valid for exactly 48 hours from the time your request is received. If you fail to reset your password within 48 hours, you will need to submit a new password reset request.

If you have not received the email within 10 minutes of making your request, check your spam folder. If the email is not in your spam folder, add Account-Security@TutorAIRS.com to your email contacts (and, if possible, whitelist the address), then make a new request.

Disclaimer: This process is imperfect. Email TutorAIRS@gmail.com to request your new reset code if the above steps fail and a TutorAIRS staff member will manually email you a reset code. This may take an additional business day.